Memories series consists of acrylic paintings on black and white prints of movie scenes. The artworks are reliefs created by heavily accumulated paint strokes. With 0.5% pigment added to a transparent acrylic medium, the artist painted thousands of strokes to the original image, obscuring the actual representation. Depending on the initial value of the image, different amounts of paint are needed, so the outcome becomes a relief that echoes the original idea. In this series, the artist explores the idea of collective and individual memory. She mimics the concept of Memory Work, which refers to how people interpret a previous experience to make sense of our present circumstance. In that translating process, the original experience morphs into a different, new language, far from being what it used to be. However, people tend to consider memories an absolute truth and rely on them to understand their identities. The artist challenges the memories to be a viable truth and even questions if any past experiences are relevant to who we are in the present.
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Video Documentations
Video Documentation Credit: Dávid Lovas (